Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Nano's over. Now what?

NaNoWriMo is officially over, no matter how much i wish it wasn't, and I am determined to keep the momentum of November going strong as long as possible.

I attended a free webinar hosted by Writer's Digest today called Novel Revision: Craft a Story Readers Can't Put Down by the great James Scott Bell. It was incredibly informative and answered a lot of questions that I've had about the revision process that have been haunting me for years. But it also prompted me to notice that I still haven't finished my novel yet. At least not really. 

To date my Nano novel, that I'm tentatively calling Warrior Born (I have another name in mind but I'm keeping that one to myself for a while) has 64,519 words but it's not quite finished yet. I have a feeling that it's going to be a beast that I'll need to cut down, but I anticipated that. I tend to get a little bit wordy during Nano. 

During the Webinar, someone asked a question about how long it takes James to write a book. His reply was about three months. He said he has a set goal for the week that he writes everyday. Of course you know, if you've read any of my previous posts that I've been trying to write a certain number of words everyday. I can honestly say that I have indeed been writing everyday but it's not what it was during November. 

I don't know what it is, but as soon as the calendar page turns over and December begins it's like all the magic that keeps your momentum and enthusiasm toward writing just evaporates and all I'm left with are good intentions and a measly word count that is very long in coming. It's like all my discipline goes away and I just excuse myself everyday with not writing as many words or i get caught up in something else and it consumes all my attention [coughs]thewalkingdead[/coughs]. But I am determined to continue on in the quest of wrapping up my novel.

(seriously is there anything better than this?)

James further explained how to determine your ideal goal word count for the week. He said you take the number of words you think you can write in a week and add ten percent to equal your ideal word count for the week. I used his method to come up with my ideal word count. I figure I can write 7000 words a week. 

 7000 + 10% = 7700 words

I have decided to write those words Monday through Friday so my daily word count is going to be 1,540 words a day. I still plan on writing on weekends but I would also like some time when I don't have to feel obligated to write and can just do it if  the mood strikes. So that's the plan, we will see how it goes.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


So here's the playlist that I listened to while writing Warrior Born this Nano.

Lions in Cages by Wolf Gang
Mouths to Feed by The Epochs
Safe/Pain by Strangers
Safe/Pain (Youan Remix) by Strangers
Overjoyed by Bastille
Varúð by Sigur Ros
Everyone Alive Wants Answers by Colleen
Your Hand in Mine by Explosions in the Sky
Gotta Figure This Out by Erin McCarley
To Build a Home by The Cinematic Orchestra
While the Fire Was Out by Brighten
Youth by Daughter
Light Up The Sky by Yellowcard
Brielle by Sky Sailing
Silvia by Miike Snow
In Search of by Miike Snow
Graveyard by Feist
We Need Fear by Alcoholic Faith Mission
Life Is Life by Noah and the Whale
I Already Forgot Everything You Said by The Dig
Doorway by Civil Twilight
Don't Panic by Coldplay
The District Sleeps Alone Tonight (DJ Downfall Remix) by The Postal Service
Let It Be by Blackmill
Something Good Can Work by Two Door Cinema Club
Lucid Truth by Blackmill
Arms by Christina Perri
Satellite Heart by Anya Marina
Eet by Regina Specktor
You Picked Me by A Fine Frenzy
Title and Registration by Death Cab For Cutie
A drop In the Ocean by Ron Pope
Have You Got It In You? by Imogen Heap
Where I Stood by Missy Higgins
Warm Whispers by Missy Higgins
I Never Told You by Colbie Caillat
From Where You Are by Lifehouse
Rawnald Gregory Erikson the Second by Starf*cker
Isabella of Castile by Starf*cker
Picasso by The Cinema
Come Back Down by Keane
Spiraling by Colleen
Gone by Vacationer
Tamer Animals by Other Lives

Losing you by Solange Knowles
Bittersweet by Ellie Goulding
Halcyon [album] by Ellie Goulding
Home by Phillip Phillips
Gone, Gone, Gone by Phillip Phillips
Eyes Wide Open by Gotye
Hanging On by Active Child
Mountains by Biffy Clyro
Wolves by The Good Natured
Body Work by Morgan Page
Heavy Cross by Gossip
Sleep Alone by Two Door Cinema Club
Medicine by Daughter

On Writing--November

So late getting this one out, but there really wasn't very much time for checking out blogs during November. 

#Nanowrimo Outlining Your Story --Bob Mayer talks about the merits of outlining.
Thinking in Multiple Drafts --Steven Pressfield on how you can't do everything in one draft.