Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 already!

Okay so i'm pretty late but yay! We survived 2012. Not that i ever had any doubt. The Mayans didn't even know when they were going to become extinct so their track record wasn't very good. 

Anyway all over the world people are making lists that depict all the things that they resolve to do like lose weight, and eat better, or be happy, but two weeks from now those lists full of good intentions will be crushed and forgotten in a corner somewhere as they go back to their lives doing what they've always done. Resolutions just don't work. Sure we go into the New Year with all these great ideas on how we're going to change, but we never do. Not really. Sure we go along with it for a little while but eventually we go back to our old ways. 

That's why i don't bother with them. They just never seem to be anything that i can actually stick to. If you know me you know that i a notorious for skipping from one thing to another at the drop of a hat without looking back. But i don't want to be that anymore. I don't want to be a quitter anymore. So i've decided to make a list of goals for 2013. Goals that are specific and that i can easily accomplish without feeling like i'm being forced. 

So here goes:

--2013 Goals--

  • Write 500-1000 words 5 days a week.
  • Read 100 books
  • Finish the first draft of my Nano 2012, Warrior Born
  • Finish the first draft of my Nano 2011
  • Finish the first draft of my Nano 2010
  • Revise three first drafts
  • Write and post to blog every Wednesday
  • Driver's classes (Yes I am 23 and still don't drive, don't judge me.
  • Exercise at least three days a week
See, the list isn't too long. Hopefully i can actually get these things done this year. Wish me luck!

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